Choosing The Correct Tip Size - A General Guide To Help With Selection.
<1.2mm: Stain, detail touch up & 2-pack top coats.
1.3mm: 2-Pack top coats, enamels & polyurethanes.
1.4 / 1.5mm: 2-Pack base coat, fine finish top coat, enamel, acrylic lacquer & polyurethanes.
1.6 / 1.7mm: High solid coatings, enamel & 2-pack base coats.
1.8 / 1.9mm: Acrylic lacquer, primer filler, enamel, furniture lacquer, industrial enamels & primers.
2.0 - 2.4mm: Acrylic lacquer, furniture lacquer, primer filler, industrial enamel, primer & metallics.
2.5 - 2.9mm: Primer, spray putty, industrial enamel, heavy primer & sprayable glues.
>3.0mm: Primer, zinc, polyester, gel coat, house paint & coatings requiring quick coverage (via pressure pot system).
The size guide should be used only as a general indication, many products will have a manufacturers recommended tip size. Most guns have multiple options for set up, this guide is designed to help choose the best option, if you would like more advice please